[CR] The Caduceus Effect

Caleb didn’t know what Jester and Nott were up to, and frankly, he assumed he was better off not knowing. The two of them were chattering and giggling over Nott’s alchemic materials, and it alarmed him, but only half as much as it irritated him.

Peace and quiet were not to be found in his quarters.

He went elsewhere, seeking a calm spot on the ship to work on his spellbook (and his other book) without being disturbed. The Balleater, however, was small for all that it was a ship. There were few places a man could find solitude.

He tried the hold, but the lingering odor of Twiggy’s week-long residence made his head spin. The deck was far too windy and noisy. Fjord was sleeping in his quarters after a night spent on watch, and that would not be conducive to studying either.

Caleb found himself in the galley, drawn in part by the smells floating out of the open doorway, and by the realization Caduceus was inside, no doubt preparing their evening meal or one of the snacks he was known to produce, seemingly out of nowhere.

He peeked into the galley, but couldn’t see anyone other than their firbolg friend. Beau was not here trying to nick a bottle of liquor. There was no member of their crew chattering Caduceus’ ear off. It was warm and inviting, and Caleb hovered in the doorway, books and paper tucked under his arm.

Caduceus stood at the counter, chopping something, humming under his breath, tail a lazy sway behind him. He seemed perfectly at ease, and Caleb envied his ability to find calm no matter the storm.

“You can come in, if you want. I don’t mind company,” Caduceus called out, though he hadn’t glanced over his shoulder.

Sometimes, Caleb agreed with Fjord. Caduceus’ seemingly preternatural perception was a little off-putting.

“I, uh, was looking for somewhere quiet to work,” Caleb said as he stepped inside, casting around for a place to sit and finding a small table tucked off to the side, with just enough room for one. “If you don’t mind my intrusion.”

Caduceus turned and gave him a lazy smile. “Hello, Mr. Caleb. No, I don’t mind at all. Have a seat. My humming won’t be a bother, will it?”

Caleb slid into the chair and set his items on the table. “No. It is certainly preferable to Nott and Jester’s chattering.”

“They are up to something,” Caduceus said with a little laugh. “Perhaps something that will entertain all of us.” He turned back toward his work, the steady sound of the knife slicking through some vegetable echoing through the galley.

Caleb found it soothing.

“We can only hope,” Caleb said, and lapsed into silence. He opened his spellbook, procured his quill, and got to work.

It was easy with Caduceus. There was no expectation of conversation. There was no subtle prying into his past or his present or his future. Caduceus might eye him, might peer at him as though trying to read him, but would never ask and would never presume. Caduceus took everything at its own pace, and that was quite refreshing.

It helped that Caduceus seemed to emit a kind of peaceful aura. It soaked into Caleb, easing the tension gathering around him like a heavy cloak, and gradually seeping away the densest layers.

“Just let me know if I’m a bother, I’ll leave,” Caleb said after a bit. He didn’t want to wear out his welcome.

Caduceus chuckled and appeared in Caleb’s periphery with a cup and a small plate. “Not at all, Mr. Caleb. You’re pleasant company.” He set both by Caleb’s left elbow. “Here. You have to keep up your energy if you want to stay focused.”

“I suppose now is a good time for a break.” Caleb leaned back, bones in his spine popping as he did so. He winced.

“You ought to stretch more,” Caduceus observed.

“I’m sure there are many things I ought to do more.” Caleb offered Caduceus a thin smile and reached for the cup, inhaling the light fragrance. Hints of chamomile for certain, and anise? Ginger? All good things. “This is good. Thank you.”

Caduceus’ smile was a thing of radiance, genuine all the way down to his heart. “Try the cookies. I made them with some of that fruit we picked up on Bisaft.”

Caleb picked up a cookie, gave it a careful sniff, before biting into it. Crumbs immediately erupted around his lips, while the cookie itself managed to both crunch and melt on his tongue. It had a tangy flavor to it, not overly sweet, and went quite well with the tea.

His eyebrows crawled upward. “Very good,” Caleb said around a mouthful of crumbling cookie. He dabbed at his lips where crumbs kept emerging. “You’ve a talent for these. I’m glad I was able to taste them before Jester discovered they were here.”

Caduceus chuckled and turned back toward his cooking, his tail lazily swaying behind him, swish-swish-swish. “I made a separate batch just for her. They’re sweeter.”

“That was very astute of you.”

“Well, sometimes I have good ideas,” Caduceus said over his shoulder. He picked up his cutting board and shifted over, scraping the chopped vegetables into a big pot.

Caleb tilted his head. “More often than not, I’d say.” He sipped the tea, rolling the flavor over his tongue to enjoy it. “You have a… a presence about you, Mr. Clay. I know we all appreciate it.”

Caduceus hummed and stirred the soup before placing the lid on it. “I don’t know about a presence, but it’s nice to know I’ve been of use.” He paused and tilted his head, tapping his bottom lip. “Though maybe ‘use’ isn’t the best word? Helpful maybe?”

“Helpful is a good word, but you know, you are also our friend. We would return the favor,” Caleb said as he watched Caduceus pull a bowl from a high shelf and turn it out onto a floured counter.

Long fingers kneaded a lump of dough, and Caleb watched for a few moments, as there was something hypnotic about the motion.

“I know. Maybe once I figure out what it is I’m looking for, then I’ll know what to ask for,” Caduceus said, his shoulders flexing as he rolled and kneaded and punched the dough into a vaguely loaf-shape.

“As soon as you do, I’m sure we will be ready to listen,” Caleb said as Caduceus scooped the dough back into the bowl and covered it with a cloth.

Up onto the shelf it went, and Caduceus wiped his hands on the front of his apron, already liberally streaked with flour and other evidence of meal-prep. Caleb wasn’t sure where he’d gotten the apron, perhaps he’d brought it from home, but it suited Caduceus in a way he didn’t think it would suit anyone else in the Mighty Nein.

There was something about Caduceus that felt like home, though Caleb couldn’t put into words why or precisely identify the reason.

He ate another cookie, rolling the flavor around on his tongue as he contemplated. It was warm in the galley, probably because of the cooking fires and the lack of ventilation. The smell of damp and sea air wasn’t present, only that of Caduceus’ spices and the ever-present scent of earth Caduceus seemed to carry with him.

It would be, Caleb thought, the perfect place for a nap. Not that he’d come here for such. He was supposed to be working on his spells.

Caduceus started humming again. Caleb only recognized the tune because Caduceus hummed it often, usually when he was concentrating on something and didn’t realize he was humming. Sometimes, Caleb woke when Caduceus was on watch, and the firbolg was surveying their surroundings, hands on his knees while he sat lotus, humming under his breath.

He never had nightmares those nights. Caduceus would probably say it was because Melora watched over his sleep.

Caleb preferred to think of it as the ‘Caduceus Effect’.

He finished his cookies. He finished his tea. He picked up his quill and worked and worked, only dimly registering when Caduceus took down the dough again, worked it with his hands, and this time, folded it onto a metal pan. Caleb watched him cut little slices into the top of it, and sprinkle it with some of his herbs before he slid it into the tiny oven, banking the flames with a few swirls of his fingers.

“How’s that book, Mr. Clay?” Caleb asked because it felt a little too much like he was watching something he shouldn’t in that moment.

“Hmm?” Caduceus asked as he looked away from the oven, his ears twitching in Caleb’s direction. “Oh. The book you gave me. Yes. That one.”

He stood up, brushing his hair behind his ear. “I apologize, Mr. Caleb, I admit I haven’t gotten very far. I’m sure it’s a very interesting book, only I’m not the best reader.”

“Oh.” Caleb sat up, realization tumbling through him. “I didn’t realize. I suppose I should have known better than to assume.”

“It’s all right.” Caduceus swept up the kettle and brought it over, refilling Caleb’s cup with steaming water. “I’m not ashamed of it, I suppose. Never had reason to be.” He dug into his pocket, pulled out a packet of leaves, and sprinkled them over the water. “It was still a nice gift.”

Caleb felt a bit ashamed of himself. Caduceus was so kind to them, and he worked hard to keep them alive and well, despite being such a stranger at first. He’d thought to offer the book as a kind gesture, and it had backfired.

How had Caduceus felt, receiving a gift he couldn’t appreciate because Caleb had been too narrow-sighted to pay attention?

“Does it bother you now?” Caleb asked.

“Not particularly,” Caduceus said, only to pause and tilt his head, looking up toward the ceiling as he often did when he was reconsidering something they’d asked him. “Well, maybe a little. Only because I’d like to actually understand the book you gave me. I feel like it’s a waste to give me something so nice.”

Caleb shook his head. “No, not a waste. It’s my fault really. I should have been paying better attention.” He curled his fingers around the cup, embracing the heat of the blooming tea through the hand-carved wood. “You know, I could… help you with it, if… if that was something you were interested in.”

“Oh, no. I couldn’t possibly take up so much of your time,” Caduceus said, turning to hang the kettle back on the hook. He moved to the pot next, removing the lid to give the contents a quick stir. “You have more important things to do than try and fill this head with knowledge.” He tapped himself in the head, and though his words were light, there was something of self-deprecation in them.

It was slight, very, very slight, and Caleb might not have recognized it, if he wasn’t so used to hearing the tone in his own words.

“It’s no trouble at all,” Caleb said. “If you’re interested, I’d be happy to teach you.” He paused and gestured around them. “Fast as we are, it will take time before we’re back in Nicodranas, and even then, travel takes time, yes? So we have it. Time, that is.”

Caduceus replaced the lid and turned, blessing Caleb with one of his blinding smiles. “Then yes. I’d like that very much.” He pulled a basket from another shelf and tucked it under his arm. “Let me just deliver these cookies to the others. Keep an eye on the soup, will you?”

Caleb eyed the pot uneasily. “I’m not much of a cook, Mr. Clay.”

“Oh, nothing so complicated. Just if it bubbles over, lift the lid and give it a quick stir. It shouldn’t, but you never know. Sometimes, you just can’t take your eyes off things under pressure.” Caduceus patted Caleb on the shoulder, giving him a brief squeeze. “I’ll be right back.”

“And then we can get started, if you have time to fill.”

“Sure.” Caduceus’ rumbly voice seemed to radiate with the same heat as his presence. “So long as it’s no trouble.”

“No trouble at all.” Caleb managed a smile of his own, though it was slight and nowhere near as appealing as Caduceus’ genuine grin.

“Then I appreciate the help.” Caduceus hummed and swept out of the galley, though he left warmth and comfort in his wake.

How did he do that, Caleb wondered, and summoned Frumpkin to rest in his lap. He scritched behind his familiar’s ear, pondering.

Caduceus Clay was still very much a mystery to Caleb.

Fortunately, Caleb was quite certain there wasn’t anything in the world he couldn’t solve with a pinch of determination, and a fair amount of study.


[G1] Apple a Day 23

Jazz has every intention of finding Perceptor and snuggling with him for the rest of the night, possibly doing more if he can.

Instead, he diverts his path to Mirage’s quarters, where his second should be resting post-battle, and writing his report, because Mirage is a good egg who actually does his duty promptly and properly. Jazz could probably learn a few lessons from him.

He arrives and pings the door three times in sharp succession, dancing from foot to foot as he waits for Mirage to answer. He checks his messages, too, but there’s nothing from Perceptor. Either he’s caught up in some experiment, or he’s already safely tucked into berth.

The door slides open. Mirage takes one look at him, grin and all, and sighs. “Come in,” he says, stepping aside and gesturing for Jazz to enter.

“Why don’t ya look happy to see me?” Jazz asks as he slips inside with nary a sound.

“Because I know that look. What is it?” Mirage folds his arms, cocks his hip, raises one orbital ridge, looking every inch the prissy noble been disturbed from his rest.

Jazz tucks his hands behind his back, wanders in a slow circle around Mirage’s small yet immaculate hab — he’s one of the few lucky ones without a roommate — and comes back to his second with a grin.

“So,” he says. “Skyfire?”

Mirage sighs. “Yes,” he says, with a petulant roll of his optics. “Skyfire. Can we make this interrogation quick? I have things to do.”

“Ya have so little faith in me. It’s not an interrogation. I’m actually…” Jazz pauses, tilts his head, searches for the right word. “Proud. Yep. Proud. My little Mirage is growing up and making friends.”

“You’re lucky I just cleaned my blaster,” Mirage says, and sweeps past Jazz with nose in the air and all the dignity his wealth and breeding had given him.

Jazz spins slowly to follow him. “He’s not in a good place right now, Mirage. He’s hurting. Spark-sick.”

“I’m aware.”


Mirage cuts his optics and sits on the edge of the berth, demurely crossing one ankle over the other. “I’m not an idiot. Contrary to popular belief.”

“You’re also better at pushing people away than drawing them in,” Jazz points out, because truth is what they are good at, even if only with each other.

“It’s different,” Mirage says. “With Skyfire.”

And there it is, the flush of embarrassed affection and genuine delight. It’s a quicksilver flash in Mirage’s field, but he picks it up nonetheless, and it makes his own spark dance with joy. They’re a good match, Skyfire and Mirage, if Skyfire could ever return Mirage’s feelings. They’d make each other happy.

“That’s good,” Jazz says with a slow, satisfied nod. “Very good. Just, you know, be careful. You know what happened with Blaster, right?”

Mirage’s expression softens. “I think the whole Ark knows by now. Autobots do love their gossip.”

“You’re an Autobot, too,” Jazz points out.

Mirage gives him a wry grin. “Touche.” He shifts, uncrossing and recrossing his ankles. “It might not be romance in the end, but I’m happy having a friend at the least. Skyfire, he’s…” Mirage pauses, face crinkling in thought before it smooths out again. “He’s kind in a way that’s genuine. I want happiness for him, with me or someone else.”

Primus, it’s so sweet.

If Jazz wasn’t already over the moon bubbly about his own scientist, he might have teased Mirage about it. But he can’t, because honestly, Jazz is in the same boat with his microscope.

Perceptor is the best thing that’s happened to him since Jazz can remember. He’s the light at the end of the tunnel, and Jazz wants nothing but his happiness. It’s weird, to consider someone else’s life in lieu of his own, but freeing, too.

It’s hard to explain.

Mirage is probably the only other mech in the ship who’d understand.

“That’s good,” Jazz says. “I’m happy to hear it.” He turns to leave, and pauses a step from the door, swiveling back to Mirage. “For what it’s worth, he likes you, too. Though he wouldn’t tell me what rude thing he said.”

“He was upset. I don’t hold it against him.” Mirage pretends to examine the tips of his fingers. “Well, commander, did I pass inspection?”

“With flying colors.” Jazz tosses Mirage a fond look. “I’m rootin’ for ya, kiddo.”

MIrage gives him a wry look. “I’m older than you.”

Jazz flutters his visor in a wink and holds a finger up to his lips. “Shh. That’s supposed to be our secret.”

Mirage laughs, and Jazz sees himself out, a spring in his step and a song in his spark. It’s about time Mirage found some happiness for himself, and he’s glad Skyfire has someone he can lean on right now. Seems like love is in the air, all because of one silly party and one silly challenge and one silly medic with bearings of duryllium.

They all owe Ratchet a lot.

Jazz skeddadles off to Perceptor’s hab-suite, which he used to share with Wheeljack, until Wheeljack off and moved in with Prowl. Those two are like… love at seventeenth sight or some such. They’re the epitome of falling head over heels.

So Wheeljack moved out, but left all of his scientific equipment behind, and Perceptor is in space-paradise, with more room to spread out on his own, and space to tinker without threat of imminent Wheeljack explosion.

Jazz keys in the code Perceptor had given him, along with the express permission to slide into Perceptor’s berth no matter how late it was, and hums a cheerful tune as he slips inside. It’s dim, but not quiet. There are far too many things bubbling and humming and running idly. Perceptor’s suite is a riot of soft noise Jazz finds oddly comforting.

Quiet is too eerie. He hears too many things in the quiet. He can’t quite relax.

Jazz picks his way across the floor — controlled chaos is Perceptor’s organization technique — and prepares to dive onto the berth.

The empty berth.

Well, frag.

There’s only one place Perceptor could be then, since he’s not on-shift per Jazz’s ping to Teletraan. He’s not in the medbay either, says Ratchet after Jazz pings him.

It’s late. His hardworking microscope should be aberth, restin’ that brilliant processor of his. And, also, cuddling Jazz.

He turns around and marches right back out, hanging a left and taking the lift to one level below, where the science lab is situated what would be considered below Perceptor and Wheeljack’s habsuites, but also tucked a little off to the side, away from the core of the Ark. For everyone’s safety, not just because Wheeljack’s job is to make things that go boom, but also, to help keep the Decepticons away from taking the things that go boom.

The door isn’t locked, at least, not to Jazz. He does step warily inside. It’s never wise to startle a scientist.

Soft music floats from one of the consoles, the light clicked on above the desk. The other three desks are dim and quiet — Wheeljack probably off cuddling Prowl, Skyfire still on the observation deck, and the fourth, unused. Perceptor has his back to the door, a stylus in one hand and a datapad to the other. He’s swaying in time to the music as he writes, and he’s so darn adorable, for a moment Jazz’s spark skips a beat.

He knows this music. It’s a compilation he put together for Perceptor, all the good tunes he’d found on Earth he thought his microscope might enjoy. Right now, it’s playing one of the Gregorian chants. Good stuff to think to.

Jazz inches into Perceptor’s peripheral vision and reaches over, pausing the music with a quick flick of his finger. Perceptor stirs as if coming out of a fugue, and when he notices Jazz, a bright smile breaks out over his lips.

“Jazz, what are you doing here?” he asks as he swivels his chair around, setting the stylus aside. “Shouldn’t you be giving your post-mission report?”

Jazz sidles up beside Perceptor, nuzzling into his neck. “OP wants those in the morning. You know it’s almost midnight, right?”

Perceptor blinks at him owlishly and curves an arm around his waist, nuzzling back. “Is it?”

Jazz chuckles. “Come on. Come to berth. It’s no fun to recharge in it if you’re not there, too.” He presses a kiss to the underside of Perceptor’s jaw, feels him shiver warmly.

“I suppose I ought to take a break,” Perceptor hums and lets himself be pulled from the chair, which rolls away behind him. “Is that all?”

“Well…” Jazz swallows a sigh and tangles his fingers around Perceptor’s. “Got a mission coming up. Into Con territory. Wanted to get some time in with you before I go.”

“Oh.” Perceptor reaches over, presses a button to save his work and turn off the light. “Then let’s retire for the evening.”

They leave the lab, Perceptor carefully locking it behind him, wrapped in a contemplative quiet. Jazz lets him be. It’s one of the things he quickly learned about Perceptor. He takes in data, mulls over it, and comes to a conclusion slowly and carefully. He’s not quick to abrupt action.

“You’ll be careful. Won’t you?” Perceptor asks they step into the lift.


Perceptor grabs his hand, tangles their fingers together, and squeezes. “My definition of careful, Jazz. Not yours.”

Jazz chuckles quietly. “I know, Percy. No more reckless actions from me. Promise.”

Perceptor gives him an askance look, but there’s trust in his optics, and relief in the way his shoulders relax. Even more so when they are in the privacy of his quarters, surrounded by the dim lights and quiet sounds.

“I believe you,” Perceptor says.

“Good. You should. Know why?” Jazz asks.

Perceptor tilts his head, giving the question his usual serious thought. No doubt he’s weighing the pros and cons, the variables, and determining the scientific solution. Logic and reason, where Jazz is instinct and action.

Jazz chuckles and cups Perceptor’s head, drawing him down to press their foreheads together. “Because I got someone to come back to now. Ain’t gonna mess that up.”

Perceptor melts against him, field gone fuzzy and warm. “You always have the words,” he says. “I envy you for that.”

Jazz knocks their foreheads together gently. “Hey. It was your words got us in the berth in the first place, remember? Maybe took you a while to get around to them, but it was all you, darling.”

Perceptor’s face heats, tangible where their foreheads touch. He squirms, Perceptor does, anytime Jazz lavishes him in a pet name. It’s adorable.

So of course Jazz has to do it often. In the privacy of their hab maybe, but still.

“Let’s go to bed,” Perceptor says, but the heat crackling in his voice suggests something other than sleep.

Jazz grins and curves an arm around Perceptor, drawing their frames together. “Babe, you read my mind.”


Always the right words.


[FoF] Uncharted Territory 20

Blurr lurched awake, heart pounding in his chest, limbs flailing. He shoved off the heavy weight of a blanket, squinting at a searing bright light as it lanced across his eyes. The scent of greenery floated around him, and some kind of incense?

A red shape sat in his peripheral vision.


He was asleep, curled in a chair that better resembled an overlarge woven basket with pillows lining the weave. He looked peaceful, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

That bastard.

Blurr groped behind him for a pillow and chucked it in Starscream’s direction.

“Wake up you fragger!”

The pillow bounced across Starscream’s head. He jerked awake, feathers flaring as he scrambled to his feet, stopping to disentangle himself from the thin blanket twisted around his body.

He stared at Blurr with wide eyes and visible offense. “Why did you throw a pillow at me?”

“Because you vanished, you asshole!” Blurr swung his legs over the side of the bed, his head swimming at the abrupt action. “Where the frag have you been?”

Starscream blinked and took a step back from where it seemed he almost intended to hug Blurr. “Here. In the Aerie.”

“Obviously.” Blurr folded his arms, anger burning through any worry he might have felt. “Meanwhile, I’m sitting along for the past week wondering how much I should have charged you.”

Starscream frowned. “I don’t follow.”

“You used me, I feel I ought to have gotten paid for it.” Blurr snorted and shoved to his feet, because he didn’t like Starscream standing over him. “You vanished without an explanation. What was I supposed to think?”

Starscream reared back, his crest feathers flaring high before flattening down his head, like that friend’s cockatiel used to do. “We’ve been under a lock down,” Starscream snapped. “I wasn’t allowed to leave.”

Blurr gritted his teeth. His hands balled into fists at his side. “Why?”

“Some of our members were kidnapped by humans.” Starscream folded his arms, shoulders hunching. “Apparently it happened while I was out with you. When I came back, Liege had put the entire Aerie into lockdown. No harpy allowed out, and no human allowed in.”

Blurr had wanted a rational explanation. Starscream certainly provided one. Blurr wanted to believe it. He didn’t much like the sensation in the pit of his belly, the nausea and the disgust, the brief loathing he’d felt toward the harpy he’d gifted his heart.

He stared at the floor.

“Have I ever lied to you, Blurr?” Starscream asked, and his voice was small, quiet. “Have I ever done anything to hurt you? Have I given you reason before this not to trust me?”

Blurr gnawed on the inside of his cheek. “No.”

It was true. Starscream had been nothing but a gentleman, had made advances with all the speed of a snail, and constantly asked for Blurr’s permission and comfort.

“Then please believe me now.” Starscream took a hesitant step forward, and Blurr didn’t flinch away from him. “As soon as I was given leave, I intended to come back to you. I swear it.”

Heat banked at the back of Blurr’s eyes. He wanted so badly to believe Starscream. He wanted this unhappy coincidence to be a satisfactory explanation. He wanted to accept Starscream’s apology and fall into Starscream’s arms, and let the last weeks of gnawing loneliness melt away.


“I believe you,” Blurr said, and he stared harder at the floor, even though Starscream audibly sighed with relief. “But it just proves we can’t be together.”

“What!?” That was almost a squawk.

Time ago, that would have been amusing to Blurr.

He folded his arms, curled into himself. “You left me alone, Starscream. I was worried about you, and then I was angry, and I was alone again. You turned my life upside down, and then you were gone, and it might have been an accident, but it shows that we come from two different worlds. And maybe — maybe we aren’t meant to mingle.”

Oh, it hurt.

Blurr’s life had improved tenfold since Starscream wandered into it. He’d reconnected with Rathi, and grown even closer to TJ, and made friends of Miko and Sari. He’d started to feel like he belonged in the world, belonged somewhere, and he’d never felt as loved as he did in Starscream’s arms.

Starscream’s absence, however, had shown him how much of an impossible dream their future would be. Starscream would outlive him. His home was a giant tree in the forest. Blurr was meant to live with humans.

Starscream warbled a soft sound. “Blurr, I–”

“Oh, so you’re awake.”

Blurr startled at the low growl and whirled toward the doorway, which was nothing more than a heavy curtain. It swept aside as a massive white harpy strode into the room. He frowned as his eyes swept from Starscream to Blurr and back again.

“Starscream, I told you to come get me when he woke up,” the harpy said, his voice slightly accented but at least not that avian language Blurr didn’t know. “Once again proving that you are incapable of following clear directions.”

Starscream shrank into himself. “I didn’t have the chance to–”

“And I didn’t ask,” the large harpy interrupted. His gaze cut toward Blurr, and he pointed at the bed behind Blurr with a foretalon. “You, human, sit down. Starscream, we’re going to have words before I can think of dealing with the human.”

Starscream’s feathers slicked down, and his fingers tangled together. “Actually, Ratchet, Blurr and I are in the middle of a discussion right now and–”

“That wasn’t a request,” Ratchet growled. He pointed to the floor. “Get your tailfeathers over here right now or so help me Adaptus, I will drag you out and make a show of it.”

Starscream dipped his head. His plumage flattened. “Yes, Ratchet.” He turned away from Blurr, slinking across the floor like a child who’d been scolded.

Blurr huffed. “We’re in the middle of something you know.”

Ratchet’s hot blue glare turned on Blurr in force. “And you can continue your conversation when I’m done. Be quiet and wait your turn.”

“It’s fine, Blurr,” Starscream said with an uneasy smile. “Ratchet’s our chief medic. He won’t hurt me.”

Somehow, Blurr didn’t believe him. He chuffed. “Whatever.” He sat on the bed. It obviously wouldn’t do him any good to argue.

“I’ll be back,” Starscream said, pausing in the doorway as Ratchet swept out ahead of him.

Blurr stared. “Yeah. I’ve heard that before.”

Starscream gave him a sad, hurt look, but then he vanished out the curtain, and Blurr was left alone in the quiet of the room. Blurr had no idea what kind of room he was in, except there was a window, and the walls seemed to be made of woven wood.

Beyond the curtain, Ratchet and Starscream started talking in their native tongue, and Blurr couldn’t make out a single thing they were saying.

Ratchet had been angry. Outraged even.

Did he know what Blurr and Starscream had done? Had Starscream told them? Had he bragged about it?

Their vocalizations grew distant. Blurr tried not to fidget, but he’d never been good at sitting still.

He moved to the window. It wasn’t glassed over, and was instead open to the elements. Blurr looked out into the central core of the aerie. It was a twisting tangle of vines and branches and walkways and open spaces for flying. There were fewer harpies than he expected, but more than he thought could live comfortably here, and no two looked alike.

The Harpies came in two types, the smaller, brighter ones like Starscream. And the larger, burlier ones like Ratchet and the two guards Blurr had seen earlier. There were smaller ones, smaller than Blurr himself, and he assumed they were children. But those were few and far between.

Red Alert had said that the Kaon Flock was relatively small, likely due to the newness of it, and it wasn’t to be taken as an example of harpy culture. They were all miscreants and hooligans and outcasts.

Blurr didn’t appreciate being told to ‘sit and stay’ like he was a dog or an errant pet.

He approached the curtained doorway. All was silent beyond it, so Blurr peeked out into what seemed to be a hallway with other curtained doorways. One end of the hallway opened into a brighter room, the other into a dead end at another one of those unpaned windows.

Starscream’s voice floated up to him from the end of the hallway, where it deadended. Ratchet’s voice was present as well, and though they were quiet to Blurr, he could hear the agitation in their tones.

Blurr stepped fully into the hallway, letting the curtain shut behind him. He crept closer to Ratchet and Starscream’s voices, and wished he’d taken Miko up on her offer to try and teach him some of the more common harpy phrases. He loitered outside the curtain hiding Starscream from view, wishing he could understand their argument.

“You must be the human my guards found.”

Blurr startled and spun around, only to immediately lose his footing. His toe caught on a rise in the root structure beneath his feet — he probably should have looked for his runners — and he tumbled forward, straight through the curtain and into the room with Starscream and Ratchet.


Blurr wrestled with the curtain, face red, spitting curses. Starscream stepped forward to help, pulling Blurr to his feet, and away from the dorway. This allowed another, larger harpy inside. One far more massive than Ratchet, and imposing in his stature.

“Eavesdropping is impolite,” Ratchet said.

Blurr eyed the newcomer, and inched a step closer to Starscream. “So is talking about someone behind their back. I know I heard my name.”

Starscream’s hand tightened around his upper arm. “Politeness wouldn’t be out of order here,” he murmured.

Blurr ignored him.

“You have a sharp tongue, human,” said the other harpy in a deep, rumbling bass. “You don’t seem to realize the danger you are in.”

Blurr lifted his chin. “You won’t hurt me. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have bothered bringing me all the way into your aerie.”

Ratchet chuckled. “He has a point, Megatron. And yes, Blurr, you’re right. You’re the topic of choice. Or should I say, you and Starscream together.”

“Because of what we did,” Blurr guessed. His cheeks heated, and he refused to look at Starscream, though Starscream’s hand rested on his arm still.

So this was Megatron. Their leader. Or Liege. No wonder though. He was big, and if Blurr were being perfectly honest, he was scary, too.

“Yes, little one, because of your relationship,” Megatron said with a very grave tone. “Humans and harpies are barely friendly as it is, yet what you and Starscream have shared goes beyond that.”

Blurr kind of wanted to find a hole and bury himself in it. These sorts of things were supposed to be private. Why was Starscream going around blabbing to everyone? Was it a point of pride? Was he bragging?

Wait a minute.


“There is no law,” Starscream said defensively. Both of his hands moved to Blurr’s shoulders, and Blurr was a bit alarmed to find they were trembling.

“Because no one figured any harpy would be stupid enough to mate with a human,” Ratchet retorted.

Blurr’s eyes widened.

Megatron growled. “Ratchet, that is unnecessary.”

“We didn’t mate,” Starscream corrected, and his tone was much softer than Blurr had ever heard, save for his quiet request for a conversation.

“It’s very necessary,” Ratchet argued, his feathers starting to puff up around his collar. “We don’t know anything about humans or this one. It could be dangerous. Starscream could have gotten hurt, contracted something, who knows. And not to mention what the humans would think of it! They already believe us to be child-snatching demons.”

Blurr’’s hackles rose. “Don’t I get a say in this?” He stepped back into Starscream’s space, despite his earlier anger.

There was something in the body language of the two larger harpies that suggested they were about to start fighting each other, and Blurr was a small human who did not want to get in the way of that mess.

“I never took you for a xenophobe, Ratchet,” Megatron said, his tone controlled and tight. “I am disappointed.”

Ratchet straightened, shoulders stiff. “That’s not what I meant. Don’t put words into my mouth, Megatron.”

“Ratchet!” Megatron took a step forward, his growl echoing around the room. “You will calm your tongue, or I will calm it for you, do you understand me?” His hands flexed, talons appearing razor-sharp.

Ratchet’s frown deepened. He glared at Megatron before his plumage ruffled, and he took a step back, tilting his head to show the hollow of his throat.

“Yes,” he said, though it was with the edge of a growl. “I understand, my Liege.” He paused, eyes flashing. “Though if you are expecting an apology, you’ll be waiting a long time.”

Starscream muttered something under his breath. It might have been a curse.

Megatron’s eyes narrowed. “You and I will be having a discussion,” he said in a low, even tone. “But for now, I think this particular matter has reached its end.” He turned toward Starscream and Blurr, his feathers twitching.

Blurr might have inched a bit further into Starscream’s embrace.

“Human, you will return to the university in the morning,” Megatron said, his tone brooking no argument. “It is too late to escort you tonight, and I won’t risk the safety of one of my flock to do so. You can remain here in the medical center.”

Blurr swallowed thickly. “Is there an option B?” he asked with a sideways look to Ratchet, who best resembled a volcano about to erupt.

“He can stay with me,” Starscream said, his body warm and welcoming behind Blurr. “That is, if it is acceptable to him.”

“It is,” Blurr was quick to say before Megatron insisted on something else. Besides, he and Starscream really needed to have a conversation, and without someone else listening to them.

“Then it’s settled.” Megatron waved them away, his focus shifting to Ratchet. “Dismissed.”

Starscream dipped his head in a show of respect, and then he urged Blurr out of the room ahead of him. Blurr last got a glimpse of Megatron and Ratchet glaring daggers at each other.

“Well, that was uncomfortable,” Starscream said once they were in the hallway, heading away from the medical center.

“What was that?” Blurr asked.

Starscream rubbed at his face. “There’s a lot about harpy culture you don’t know. Megatron is our leader, our Liege. Ratchet is the Chief Medic, but he’s still supposed to be subordinate to Megatron. Sometimes, he forgets that.”

“Ah.” It kind of made sense. “So when you told me harpies don’t have women and men, is it a size thing?”

“Yes. For the most part. There are some exceptions.” Starscream sighed and paused outside a bright red curtain. He lifted it, and gestured Blurr inside. “This is my nest.”

Blurr freed a little whistle when he got his first look. “Cozy.” The woven walls and shelves filled with interesting items caught his eyes first, but it was the massive pool of pillows and blankets in the center of the room that invited him in.

“It’s small, but I am unmated, and I have no fledglings. It is as big as I need it to be,” Starscream said as the heavy curtain swung shut behind him.

“No mate, hm?” Blurr repeated as he headed toward the nest-shaped bed and circled it. “Is that a requirement?”

Starscream shook his head. “Not in this flock. Kaon is as non-traditional as they come. Vos, where I hail, is much, much different. Had I stayed, I would already be mated and carrying right now.”

“Do you regret leaving?”

“No. Never.” Starscream’s tone was firm.

“That bad, huh?”

“Worse.” Starscream’s eyes darkened before he shook his head and looked at Blurr. “I came to Kaon because I could be free here. I could be what I wanted without my class restricting me.”

Blurr nodded. “I’m glad you could get away.” They had the space of the bed between them, he noticed. He wondered if it was on purpose. “I don’t get what it has to do with me though. I mean, I get being curious about humans, but I don’t get what you were doing with me.”

Starscream’s plumage rustled. “It’s true I always wanted to study the humans, but that has nothing to do with what I experienced with you,” he said. “You fascinated me from the beginning, not as a human, but as a person, as Blurr. Who you are. The way I feel when I look at you.”

Blurr chewed on his bottom lip. “Did you mean it?” He hoped he didn’t have to clarify.

“I have never meant anything more in my entire life.” Starscream circled around the nest toward Blurr. “And I never imagined you’d think I was using you, otherwise I would have left, with or without Liege Megatron’s permission.”

Blurr’s face colored. “It was poor timing.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “And I guess I don’t come without my own baggage. Maybe I blew things out of proportion, I don’t know.” He sighed. “I react badly to certain things.”

“We all have our sore spots,” Starscream murmured. “If the situation had been the other way around, I’m not so sure I would’ve reacted any better.”

Blurr swallowed thickly.

Starscream was right.

“My parents,” he said, suddenly, because maybe he’d never told Starscream how he really felt about them. “They threw me out because I wouldn’t fit in their mold. I haven’t heard from them since I accepted the scholarship and moved to Kaon. Because I’m a good runner, you know? And well, in some circles, that makes me a thing people want. An object. I learned pretty quick not to let people close.”

Did he sound bitter? Probably so. There was a lot of anger inside of him, churning and churning. He found it easier to keep people away then let them in, but he’d let Starscream get close, he’d let Starscream inside his walls. He’d allowed love to enter the equation.

He’d handed Starscream his trust, and then Starscream vanished, and all Blurr had left was the self-chastisement because he should’ve known better.

Blurr scraped a hand through his hair, alarmed to find his hands shaking. “You came along, and I had a friend, and then I had a lover, and I was happy. I let you get close, and we did things, and then you vanished and I…” His voice cracked, and Blurr hated himself for that weakness. He rubbed the back of his hand over his nose, his breathing too sharp and rapid.

“Oh, love. I am so sorry.” Starscream closed the distance between them, his hands absurdly gentle as they cradled Blurr’s face, tilting his head up. “I should have defied my Liege. I should have come to you regardless.” He pressed his forehead to Blurr’s. “I should have never left.”

“Yeah, you shouldn’t have,” Blurr agreed, his voice shaking, and his knees trembling. He clutched Starscream’s sides, burying his hands in thick, vibrant feathers. “And you’re not allowed to do it again.”

“Never,” Starscream breathed as he curled an arm around Blurr, wrapping him up in the warmth and shield of his feathers. Safety. “Does that mean you forgive me?”

“Yeah.” Blurr sucked in a deep, shuddering breath. “I guess you really didn’t have a choice about it.” And because if he didn’t, he’d be alone again, and that was the worst.

Starscream’s forehead rolled gently against his. “And us? Do you want us to end?”

Blurr sucked his bottom lip into his mouth before he let it go. “No. Primus help me, I don’t, but Starscream, we gotta talk about whether or not this is going to work. We have to decide–”

“Shh.” Starscream stroked his knuckles down the side of Blurr’s face. “And we will. In a minute. But right now, I really want to kiss you. May I?”

Blurr’s eyes fluttered shut. “You never have to ask that.”

“I think I did this time.” He stroked Blurr’s face again, leaving a tingle in his wake.

Blurr was not trembling, except for the part where he was, when their lips slanted together and Starscream pressed the softest of kisses against his mouth. Starscream smelled sweet, like fruit, and there was something intoxicating about the touch of his lips. Blurr groaned and reached blindly, grasping at feathers in an attempt to get Starscream closer to him.

Everything he tried to suppress, all of the emotions and feelings and needs, came rushing back tenfold. Blurr’s heart pounded in his chest as he deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding into Starscream’s mouth as Starscream’s tongue touched his in return.

Blurr’s insides tightened with need and he started to throb behind his jeans. He broke off the kiss and pressed his forehead to Starscream’s. “So,” he said. “Is that big bed just for looking at or…?”

Starscream chuckled, his fingers flexing on Blurr’s ass. “You are most welcome to join me in it, so long as it’s what you want.”

“I want,” Blurr confirmed with a wriggle of his hips. “I definitely want.” Words were nice, but words could be misconstrued. He wanted the comfort of the physical intimacy, to feel Starscream’s sincerity with his body.

“Are you sure?” Starscream’s forehead rolled against his, a gentle pressure that felt like a caress. “You just woke up, and you were angry with me, for good reason I mean, but still. Maybe we should talk first.”

“I’m sure.” He tightened his grip on Starscream, fingers slipping past feathers to stroke over the rougher skin – if he could even call it that – beneath. “Please, Star. I need to remember this is real.”

He didn’t know if he was embarrassed about how open and needy he was being, or just relieved to not have to hide it anymore. He didn’t much want to think right now, if he were being perfectly honest. He just wanted to feel Starscream against him again, remember how it felt to be with the harpy, and remind himself what he was getting into.

“Whatever you want, love.” Starscream stole his lips for another kiss.

Blurr moaned into it. He leaned in closer to Starscream and gave in to the grip Starscream had on him. He let himself be hauled upward, and wound his legs around Starscream’s waist. Starscream held him easily.

“I’m so glad you are no longer angry with me,” Starscream said against his lips before he turned and carried Blurr toward the bed.

“Don’t abandon me, and it won’t happen again.” Blurr carded his fingers through the soft feathers on Starscream’s chest. “Seriously. Don’t.”

“I won’t. Promise.”

Starscream lowered him to the nest-bed and Blurr took the opportunity to shuck off his jacket and sweater. He spared a brief thought to his bag and his runners, but he’d go looking for them later.

“This looks comfortable,” Blurr commented.

Starscream grinned and reached for him. Blurr moved to join, and tripped immediately on a pillow, tumbling right into Starscream’s arms.

“Oops.” Blurr laughed, and found himself staring right into beautiful red eyes. “Nice catch.”

“Nice balance,” Starscream teased. His hands gently glided down Blurr’s back as Blurr settled on his hips. “Do I get to see all of you this time?”

Blurr’s cheeks heated. “You mean, am I going to go full nude this time?”

Starscream tilted his head. “Yes, that.”

“I could…” He trailed off and glanced over his shoulder. What the Harpies considered a door was little more than a piece of heavy cloth. “But, um, is it… I mean, you can’t really lock that can you?”

Starscream chuckled, his talons lightly scraping over Blurr’s ass. “No, I can’t. But no one will disturb us.”

“Are you sure?”

“Reasonably so.” Starscream warbled at him, a sound Blurr was slowly coming to recognize that meant reassurance. “If you are not comfortable, we can stop.”

Blurr gnawed on the inside of his cheek. He didn’t want to stop.

“No, it’s okay,” Blurr said, though he still hesitated. Less because of the not-at-all-a-door and more because Starscream hadn’t seen him fully nude yet. Blurr didn’t know why he felt embarrassed about it. Starscream’s mouth had been all over his dick and balls last time.

A flush spread down into his neck as he reached for his t-shirt and tank, pulling both of them over his head. There was a chill in the room and the moment he tossed both aside, his skin peppered with goosebumps. His nipples pulled into little nubs.

And Starscream was watching him intently.

Blurr rose up on his knees to push off his jeans and boxers, too. That was followed by an awkward wiggle before he kicked them away. And then there he was, fully naked, perched on Starscream’s lap, his dick getting hard under Starscream’s intense scrutiny.

He didn’t have a single feather. What did Starscream even see in him?

“So smooth,” Starscream crooned as the back of his knuckles stroked over Blurr’s arms. One hand glided in, however, and caressed over Blurr’s chest, brushing his nipple by happenstance. “Except here of course.”

A shiver crept up Blurr’s spine. His dick hardened even further.

“In comparison to a harpy, yeah,” Blurr replied.

Starscream chuckled, and his hands slowly returned to Blurr’s hips, cupping them, so that he barely felt the prick of the harpy’s talons. “I do not mind the difference,” he said, and his tongue flicked over his lips. “Come up here. I wish to taste you again.”

Blurr’s dick throbbed. He remembered the wet warmth of Starscream’s mouth. How much attention Starscream had paid to him. How he’d left no inch of Blurr’s groin unexplored. He’d pulled so many orgasms from Blurr that day, nearly wringing Blurr dry.

And it had felt so one-sided because Blurr had been so cautious in exploring Starscream’s body in return.

He wanted this time to be different.

So he wiggled his hips, planted his hands on Starscream’s abdomen, and shifted down instead of up. “What if,” Blurr proposed as he shimmied down even further, “I taste you instead.”

“I wouldn’t be opposed,” Starscream breathed, his hips rising beneath Blurr’s as though in request. “But only if you’re sure. I don’t want to push you, Blurr.”

He grinned, his heart throbbing a little faster. “I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t sure. I wanna do this for you, Star.”

Starscream obediently parted his thighs so Blurr could slide between them. His featherdown was already damp. Blurr could see the head of his clava peeking out. And just below it, his antrum was dewy with growing moisture.

“How curious can you be?” Starscream teased. “You looked last time.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t taste,” Blurr said as his fingers traced the edges of both Starscream’s clava sheath and the rim of his antrum.

“I distinctly remember your mouth on my clava,” Starscream retorted, even as said organ emerged from his sheath, rosy at the tip and dripping with need.

Blurr grinned and wiggled until he was on his belly, his dick trapped between his belly and the pillows beneath him. He cupped Starscream’s ass, which was pretty flat actually. It only looked floofy because of the feathers.

“Yeah,” he agreed and he leaned closer, exhaling over Starscream’s entire groin. “But I didn’t get to taste this other thing.”

Starscream’s featherdown got even more wet. The hollow of his antrum grew very dewy, the rim of it pulling outward to reveal the dark depths.

“Oh,” he said, his tone breathy. “I see.”

“You don’t mind?” Blurr asked, more than a little mischievous, as he pressed a light kiss to the nub at the apex of Starscream’s antrum. It throbbed beneath his lips.

Starscream’s hips twitched in his hold. “I’m the furthest thing from protest right now. I would beg you, if you asked.”

Well then.

Blurr rubbed his cheek on the softer feathers around Starscream’s groin and nosed his way to Starscream’s antrum. The swelling folds revealed the wet depths. A tentative lick made Starscream moan, and his slick was as sweet as his come. Good to know.

And that, too, made it easier for Blurr to drag his tongue up the length of Starscream’s antrum, to trace the oval shape of it, and suck on the folds. His nose bumped against the little nub of flesh at the top – which was totally a clit, if Blurr had anything to say about it – and he eased his tongue past the rim, deep into Starscream’s antrum.

He was warm and wet and sweet. His hips danced under Blurr’s ministrations. A whimper eeked from his throat as his thighs pushed further apart. Sweetness coated Blurr’s tongue and that made it easier to lick deeper, to push his face against Starscream’s wetness and lap at everything he could reach.

Starscream squirmed beneath him, letting out all of these adorable squeaking noises. Blurr looked up and realized he was biting down on one of his knuckles, even as his other hand was ravaging a pillow. Damn, but those claws were dangerous. His feet were kneading at the pillow-bed, too and all of his feathers fluffed.

Blurr grinned and mouthed his way back to Starscream’s clit. He licked at it a little, and then caught it between his teeth. He barely applied any pressure, but given the way Starscream keened and arched his back, he must have liked it.


Blurr’s dick throbbed, spilling more pre-come onto the blanket beneath him. He could probably come just like this, licking at Starscream’s sweetness while he ground down on the heavy pillow beneath his hips.

“More,” Starscream all but sang. “Oh, please, Blurr. Don’t stop.”

“Don’t plan on it,” he murmured against Starscream’s clit even as Starscream’s hips rolled up toward him, begging for more.

Blurr shifted, freeing up one hand, and while he was laving attention to that clit-nub, he slid two fingers into Starscream’s antrum. Starscream’s walls fluttered around him, and more of that dewey fluid welled up, soaking Starscream’s soft feathers.

His clava fully emerged, swaying with the motion of Starscream’s body. Pre-fluid dribbled from the tip, the angled and rounded head swollen with need. It looked like it needed attention, too.

Blurr licked a line up Starscream’s antrum, flirted over his nub, and then licked the length of Starscream’s clava. He sucked the tip into his mouth, sweet pre-fluid spilling over his tongue. He swallowed it greedily, a low moan echoing in his throat as he took Starscream deeper into his mouth.

Starscream hissed a cry of pleasure and went still, careful as always not to hurt. He trembled beneath Blurr as his clava throbbed on Blurr’s tongue.

He was only able to take about three-quarters of Starscream’s clava into his mouth, but he made up for it by rubbing his thumb over Starscream’s nub. Maybe, with enough practice, he could deepthroat Star the way Starscream could deepthroat him.

And maybe, someday, he could fit Starscream’s clava inside of him. Starscream was long and thick, but if he was careful, Blurr bet he could do it.

His internals clenched at the thought. He imagined Starscream over him, all power and beauty, but also care as he gently thrust into Blurr.

He shivered.

Blurr nibbled at the tip of Starscream’s clava and was rewarded with a breathy keen as Starscream shook beneath him, deep in the throes of pleasure. “Hey,” he said, conversationally. “Do you think, maybe, one day you could do me?”

Starscream’s eyelids fluttered. “What?”

Blurr licked his lips and stroked his fingers down the length of Starscream’s clava. “I’m kinda curious. I wanna see what this feels like, you know, inside me.”

The length throbbed. Another pearl of pre-fluid seeped free.

“I don’t… I don’t know if that’s wise, Blurr,” Starscream asked as his talons rent a hole in the nearest pillow. “I could hurt you.”

“I trust you not to,” Blurr replied and returned his attention to Starscream’s clit-nub, mouthing it with his lips and tapping it with his tongue.

Another keen warbled out of Starscream’s throat. He was seeping fluid now, and the sweet smell of it made Blurr’s mouth watered.

“Maybe next time,” Blurr said, and licked around the opening of Starscream’s antrum again, feeling the flutter of the folds against his tongue.

All of the weirdness was gone. Starscream was too responsive, too eager and beautiful, for Blurr to feel anything but excited and aroused.

“Nnnn.” Starscream’s response was entirely non-verbal. His hips bucked. “Blurr, that’s good. That’s, Adaptus, that’s really good. But – nnnnn – now I want you inside me.”

He grinned and nibbled on Starscream’s clit-nub. “Maybe I want to see you come like this,” he purred and lapped at Starscream’s antrum. The sweetness of the sticky damp rolled across his tongue. Even the feathers were softer than he expected them to be, more like a really silky fur.

Starscream shivered. His thighs trembled, legs drawing inward to press at Blurr’s shoulders. “But I want you to feel good, too.”

Blurr rolled his hips against the pillow, orgasm creeping up on him slow but sure. “I am,” he murmured as he went back to Starscream’s clit-nub and flicked the tip of his tongue over it. “Trust me, I am.”

Something that sounded like a growl echoed in Starscream’s chest. And then Blurr felt hands fold over his and the gentle prick on the back of his wrists. He blinked and looked up just as Starscream surged upward, with more flexibility than Blurr realized the Harpies had.


His world turned upside down in a flurry of feathers. Blurr shouted and flailed as he suddenly found himself with his back on the nest of pillows and Starscream on top of him, his legs folded beneath him and his groin brushing over Blurr’s groin. He had careful talons wrapped around Blurr’s wrist, pinning his hands to the pillow.

Starscream hunched forward and sealed his mouth over Blurr’s, even as he rocked his hips, his antrum dripping on Blurr’s rock-hard dick. Blurr moaned into the kiss as Starscream teased him, the heat of his antrum rubbing up and down Blurr’s length.

Starscream was making that rolling, purr-growl again. His feathers were rustling and his fingers twitching around Blurr’s wrists. But he was making obvious effort not to do harm, despite the fact Blurr could feel his thighs trembling.

And then Starscream shifted, caught the head of Blurr’s dick against his antrum, and rolled his hips down, sliding Blurr into him. Blurr whined in his throat, his hips rocking upward as his dick was swallowed by wet heat.

Starscream’s sharp canines grazed his lips and then Starscream nosed his way to Blurr’s throat, inhaling deeply. “Sorry,” he said as he ground down, his antrum squeezing on Blurr’s dick and making it throb.

“For riding me?” Blurr shivered as teeth scraped over his throat, like a threat of danger, but he trusted Starscream not to do anything. “Why would you apologize for that?”

“Shouldn’t have taken control,” Starscream mumbled, but that didn’t stop him from rocking his hips harder, his entire body trembling above Blurr.

“Why not?”

Starscream didn’t reply. Blurr let it go. It was probably another harpy thing he didn’t understand. He’d worry about it later.

Right now, he needed to make Starscream come. And hopefully last long enough to do that. A task easier said than done.

Starscream was so hot and wet around him. The walls of his antrum seemed to squeeze around Blurr’s dick, as though milking him for his release. He kept making all of these sounds, soft little moans and hums and warbles, and it was hot as hell.

Blurr gave a token tug to his wrists. “Let me touch you,” he said as teeth grazed his throat, not breaking the skin but enough to make him take note of their presence. He shivered as Starscream’s exhalations caressed his skin. “Come on, Star.”

The harpy purred and finally unwound his talons from Blurr’s wrist, leaving him free to skate his hands up Starscream’s sides. His feathers were so soft, tickling to Blurr’s palms, but he still radiated heat. Blurr stroked back down, his hands finding Starscream’s hips, giving them a squeeze. His dick throbbed in Starscream’s antrum, his feet struggling to find purchase in the plush pillows.

Starscream sank down, taking Blurr deep, his hips making little circles as his antrum rippled. It felt so damn good that Blurr shivered, his fingers digging in at Starscream’s feathers. He pulled Starscream onto him, rolling up rather than thrusting, pleasure spiking hard through his body, as he drank in the sight of Starscream’s pleasure.

Feathers fluttered and flared. Starscream’s eyes were half-lidded and bright with heat. His lips were parted with little breathy exhales and moans. His clava bobbed, dripping precome, some of it splattering onto Blurr’s belly, and smelling sweet.

“Kiss me,” Blurr urged, because he couldn’t reach Starscream no matter how he tried. He needed the harpy to close the distance. He slid one hand to Starscream’s clava, giving it a squeeze.

Starscream moaned and the feathers on his crown lifted. He bent over, almost double, his nose brushing over Blurr’s, his exhalations hot and humid. “I love you,” he murmured as his lips touched Blurr’s in an almost kiss.

Blurr’s insides squeezed. He shifted his hand from gripping Starsream’s hips, to curling around him, trying to tug him closer. It was less thrust and push now, as it was slow and steady grind and rock, and it felt so damn good. His heart pounded, his dick throbbed, and Starscream said it as if he meant it.

“Kiss me,” Blurr said, again, and moaned when Starscream obeyed, slanting their mouths together, his tongue tangling with Blurr’s. There was something desperate and hungry in the kiss, to where Blurr felt the bite of Starscream’s teeth.

He stroked Starscream harder, root to tip, squeezing with every upward pull. He rolled up into Starscream, grinding deep, and Starscream met him. Release swept over him like that, slow and steady, a throbbing wave of heat that spread out from his groin and carried him away in ecstasy.

Blurr moaned into the kiss as he came, milked by Starscream’s antrum. His grip on Starscream tightened, as did the heat of the kiss. Starscream made a sound above him, a cross between a warble and a moan, and then Blurr’s hand was splattered with come, Starscream’s antrum squeezing down tight in a sinuous wave.

Starscream breathed against his mouth, hot and urgent, pressing his forehead to Blurr’s. His thighs trembled where they pressed to Blurr’s body. His hips moved in slower and slower undulations until they stilled, Blurr’s softening dick resting within him.

“I love you, too,” Blurr murmured as he slid both of his hands up Starscream’s side, forgetting that one was covered in slick. Oops.

Well, they could both take a bath.

Starscream’s cheek rubbed against his before he shifted, sliding off Blurr and into a recline in the nest. He wriggled around, tugging and pulling Blurr on top of him, covering him with an arm like a feather blanket.

Blurr grinned and let himself be manhandled. It was never a terrible thing to be held close to his lover, and Starscream was both warm and soft. It was much better than the loneliness he’d suffered for nigh on three weeks.

He snuggled in closer, listening to the rapid beat of Starscream’s heart, sweat slicking his body and probably dampening Starscream’s feathers, too. Their legs tangled together.

Blurr couldn’t remember the last time he felt so content.

And yet, the nagging realization that this could probably not last would not leave him alone. He wanted to relax, perhaps kiss Starscream, either initiate another round or sink into sleep. But all he could think about was the future, or lack of one.

If the week had been this hard, what about a lifetime? Could they last like this? What happened when he graduated? What did the future even mean?

He nosed into the hollow of Starscream’s throat, a lump forming in his own. “Starscream?”

“Hm?” the harpy purred, his arms tightening around Blurr.

“What are we doing?”

Starscream chuckled and rolled his head, his chin rubbing across the top of Blurr’s head. “Right now, we’re laying in my nest and cuddling. Surely the humans do such a thing.”

Blurr gnawed on his bottom lip. “I meant, what are we doing together? Where is this going?” His chest hurt, the lump in his throat growing larger. “Can we even be together?”

Starscream shifted beneath him, drawing himself up so that Blurr had to reposition himself as well, but at least now he could look into Starscream’s eyes. “There’s nothing stopping us,” the harpy replied as he nudged the knuckle of a primary finger under Blurr’s chin. “There’s no one to tell us ‘no’.”

“Just because we can, does that mean we should?” Blurr remembered how angry Ratchet had been. He’d never heard of a harpy being with a human before either.

“Do you not want to?” Starscream asked, and there was an edge of caution in his voice. As though he feared what answer Blurr would give.

“I mean… is it wrong?” He had come on his groin and stickiness everywhere, and he was cuddled up with a feather-covered being, and he only just now wondered if maybe he was committing some kind of cosmic crime.

What did that say about his priorities?

Starscream pressed their foreheads together. “It’s only wrong if it feels that way to you. For my part, I had not known I could be happy until I met you.”

Blurr swallowed thickly. “It doesn’t feel wrong. I mean, I think it should because it is kind of weird. But I guess the weirdest part of it is that it feels right.” His cheeks burned with embarrassment. He carded his fingers through Starscream’s feathers, holding on tight.

“Yes. It does.” Starscream nuzzled him, and Blurr soaked up his warmth. “I want to see where it takes us.”

Blurr drew in a heavy breath. “What if there’s nowhere for us to go? We need to talk about a lot of things. We have to look at the reality of–”

“Blurr.” Starscream slipped back so he could look into Blurr’s eyes. “I’m not unaware of the situation. But we’ll talk. We’ll figure it out. I’m sure of it.”

He wished he could have Starscream’s faith.

“We just have to decide together.” Starscream smiled gently. “To that end, why don’t you stay here in the Aerie for a few days? See what life is like?”

Blurr tilted his head. “Megatron said I have to go back in the morning.”

“I’ll talk to him. Explain the situation.” Starscream lay down, pulling Blurr into his arms and stroking along his back. “Once he understands you’re not a threat, he’ll change his mind.”

“He didn’t seem like he’d be willing to let me hang around,” Blurr muttered, thinking of the anger he saw flashing between Megatron and Ratchet. “I don’t want to get on his bad side either. You weren’t kidding when you said you were pretty small for a harpy. He’s huge.”

Starscream chuckled. “Yes. That is because Megatron, like Ratchet, is what we call a bara. While I’m of a type known as smols.” His voice took on a bit of a lecturing tone, though far more interesting than Richard’s. “They are classifications based on size rather than gender as we are all the same biologically.”

“Biologically,” Blurr repeated. Now, he hadn’t taken many science courses except for the basic ones, but that rang something at the back of his mind. He squinted. “So if you don’t have females, but you all have birginas, does that mean any of you can get pregnant?”

Starscream sighed and gave him a look. “First of all, not a birgina, as you well know. Secondly, the answer to that question is yes, though we refer to it as carrying.”

Blurr blinked. The difference in terms went over his head. “Wait,” he said. “Could I have knocked you up? Should I have used a condom?”

“You’re safe,” Starscream said with a laugh, some of his offense visibly bleeding away. “We’re not genetically compatible, and I’m not presently in heat.”

“Oh.” He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Yeah, he was in school right now so he didn’t want kids at the moment, but knowing it wasn’t possible at all was kind of disappointing.

Well, he supposed one of the other Harpies could always lend a hand. Or clava. Or sperm. Or whatever.

Blurr’s face burned.


Did that mean he was actually thinking about this in long terms?

Oh, Primus. He was.

He considered Starscream his one and only. He considered Starscream, a harpy, a being of another species, to be the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.



He nibbled on his bottom lip and rested his head on his folded arms. He didn’t want Starscream to read the emotion in his eyes.

“I’ll bet baby Harpies are cute,” he said, instead, to conceal the rapid flurry of emotions suddenly arising within him.

“We call them hatchlings and then fledgelings, but yes, they are cute. I will show you some tomorrow, if you like.”

Blurr closed his eyes, listening to Starscream’s heart beat beneath him. “Sure. You can show me everything in the aerie. Finally educate me so I don’t sound like an idiot.”

“You could never,” Starscream said.

One hand left Blurr’s body, but it returned with a blanket, which Starscream threw over Blurr. It was small and thin, nothing that would cover Starscream, and Blurr wondered if Starscream had gotten for a future fledgling, or if he’d gotten it for Blurr.

He wasn’t sure what he felt about that either.

His stomach suddenly grumbled. Blurr’s face flushed with heat.

Starscream chuckled. “Are you hungry?”

“Well, I did bike all the way here, then spent who knows how long unconscious. I don’t know how long it’s been since I ate,” Blurr grumbled. “I’m an athlete, remember?”

“I do.” Starscream’s hand stroked down his back. “I do not have much in my personal stores, but I can offer you anything there. Though you’ll have to let me up so I can get it.”

And therein was his dilemma. Blurr was warm and comfortable atop Starscream. He didn’t really want to move. His stomach was noisy, but honestly, the fatigue was more annoying than the mild hunger. He wouldn’t die from lack of a meal.

“Mm.” He rubbed his face on Starscream’s chest, feathers tickling at his nose. “Nah. I expect a big breakfast though.”

Starscream warbled deep in his chest. Blurr felt the vibrations of it against his cheek. “Whatever you want.”

Blurr grinned and closed his eyes. He nuzzled closer to Starscream, leeching off the harpy’s heat. Starscream was a little thin, had been since the molt several weeks back, but he was still very warm. And snuggly. Almost enough to make Blurr forget how angry he’d been.

“Is it time for sleep?” Starscream asked. He sounded amused as his fingers drifted upward to card through Blurr’s hair.

He was always so careful, so aware of his size, his claws, the danger he presented.

“Mm hm.” Blurr breathed evenly, in and out. “So hush. It’s been a long day.” And he hadn’t slept well. He blamed Starscream for that.

“Yes, Zippy.”

The affectionate nickname made Blurr’s heart throb. He tucked that emotion away, however, and snuggled in against Starscream. He let the sound of the harpy’s core beat, the soft purring, and the sensation of Starscream caressing him, carrying him into sleep instead.


[FoF] Uncharted Territory 19

It was approaching sundown before Starscream carried Blurr down from the falls, their bellies rumbling with hunger, and Blurr’s clothes in disarray. Starscream looked quite disheveled himself, and Blurr wanted nothing more than a shower, food, and a nap, not necessarily in that order.

Also, his phone had died, and he should probably fix that. After ignoring the half-dozen phone calls from Miko and Sari, he’d turned it on vibrate. The constant buzzing eventually killed his already half-dead battery.

They ordered take out, because neither of them were fit for public consumption, and Blurr sat around in his underwear while they ate lo mein and egg rolls and devoured a whole container of fried donuts.

“You’re really all right?” Starscream asked as he rooted out every crunchy bite of sugary, fried dough, some of it caught at the corners of his mouth.

Blurr laughed and rubbed away the sugar with his thumb. “Yeah. I’m good.” Really good. He leaned in for a sweet kiss, too sated for his dick to so much as even twitch in interest.

“Good.” Starscream nuzzled him, lips leaving a warm path over the curve of Blurr’s jaw. “I love you.”

Blurr’s face heated. He fumbled his chopsticks and snagged the last egg roll because he could. “I love you,” he replied, quietly. It was a warmth coiling in his chest every time he heard those words, a soft confirmation he wasn’t alone anymore.

Starscream’s smile made it all worth it.

They slept in Blurr’s bed that night, curled together in the narrow space that was his bed, wrapped together in his comforter. It was one of the best night’s sleeps Blurr ever had, and waking up next to Starscream took on an entirely different flavor that morning.

Blurr imagined it was something that could continue, day after day after day. It was something he didn’t want to lose. He wanted to stay in Kaon. He wanted to stay with Starscream. He was sure of it.

Starscream woke him with lazy kisses and nuzzles and an even lazier blow job that had Blurr sweaty and wrecked in the bed while Starscream pranced around and dug out a box of pop-tarts from the cabinet.

“I have a confession to make,” Starscream said, a corner of a strawberry pop-tart hanging from his mouth as he brought the other to Blurr. “I have to go back to the aerie today.”

Blurr sat up. “What? Why?”

Starscream looked guilty, his feathers slicking around his body. “I promised I’d help Perceptor with something. But I’m going to come back tonight. I probably should’ve waited to come until today, I just didn’t want to.” He gave Blurr a pointed look.

Blurr’s face burned. He nibbled on the pop-tart and thought longingly of a cinnamon latte. “I suppose I can give you up for today. I should probably work on that paper anyway.”

“I am a distraction after all,” Starscream preened, and Blurr laughed, because it was true.

They finished their pop-tarts and snuggled until Starscream couldn’t delay his departure any longer, and Blurr saw him to the roof. A warm spring morning with clear skies greeted them. It would have been a good day for a flight. Blurr supposed Starscream would owe him one.

“I’ll be back tonight,” Starscream said as Blurr burrowed in against his chest, and rubbed his cheek on Starscream’s feathers, inhaling the fruit-sweet scent of him.

“You’d better,” Blurr said.

They kissed, long and savoring, before Starscream stepped back and took off into the sky. Blurr shielded his eyes and watched Starscream go until he was a dark speck against the bright blue, cloudless late morning.

He’d wanted to talk to Starscream about his future plans, how he wanted to stay in Kaon, the jobs he could try and apply for, even the upcoming semi-finals and the scouts who would be present. Waiting a little longer wouldn’t hurt.

He supposed he’d have to get used to the sight of watching Starscream fly away.

Blurr trudged back to his dorm room, slumped at his desk, and pulled up that paper he should have finished last week. It was due tomorrow after all, and he needed it at least mostly done so Starscream could proofread it for him. He’d insist on doing it.

So Blurr got to work.

By the time he surfaced for longer than it took to grab a bite to eat or search for one of the references he needed, it was past sundown. Starscream hadn’t come back yet.

Disappointment crowded at the edge of his thoughts. He chased it away with reason. Science experiments weren’t usually finished in a day. Perceptor probably needed his help for longer, and Starscream had no way of contacting Blurr to let him know.

It was nothing to worry about.

Blurr sent his paper to the downstairs printer — grammatical errors and all. He’d turn it in as is. He wasn’t trying to win any award, just pass the class, with whatever slim margin he could manage.

He ate ramen for dinner and went to bed early, because there was no point in staying awake, though he raised the blinds in his window. On the off chance Starscream showed up late, Blurr would wake up.

Except Starscream didn’t show up the next day. Or on Tuesday. Or Wednesday. Or Thursday.

Worry set in. Worry and anger and a flurry of other emotions.

Coach noticed Starscream wasn’t in the stands. She asked him where his biggest fan was, and Blurr had to deflect. TJ gave him worried eyes, but Blurr didn’t have any answers. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell TJ what they had done. It was as much of a big deal as it wasn’t. Right?

“We’re going out drinking tonight, wanna come?” TJ asked as a chorus of their teammates echoed him with teases and calls to join. Even if Blurr rarely did.

Blurr smiled and shook his head. “Appreciate the offer, but Starscream should be back tonight.”

TJ grinned and slipped in closer, lowering his voice so the others couldn’t hear. “What happened to bros before birds, huh?”

“Shut up.” Blurr rolled his eyes and rapped TJ’s shoulder gently with his knuckles. “We’ll set a date for later this week. Just you and me. Promise.”

“I’ll hold you to it.” TJ winked and threw his bag over his shoulder, striding off to join their teammates. “Looks like it’s just us.”

Blurr watched them go.

And Starscream didn’t come back that night either. Friday morning rolled around, and no carefully thrown acorns woke him from sleeping in. His phone didn’t go off because Miko and Sari were calling to let him know Starscream had been spotted and could they please have another interview, pretty please?

Blurr got up. He showered. He had instant oatmeal for breakfast, he threw on somewhat clean clothes, and shoved books into his bag with the intention of completing some chores. Maybe he’d even do laundry today. Be industrious.

He left the dorm and there was no harpy waiting for him in the courtyard, lounging beneath the red maple while a gaggle of fans and curious students crowded around him. He searched a sky going gray, but no large bird-like shape flitted among the clouds.

He tried not to worry.

Rathi cornered him when he returned his research materials to the library. “I haven’t seen Starscream in a while. Where’s that feathered idiot?”

“Busy, I think,” Blurr said, keeping his eyes down, unable to look at her face, worried she’d read the shame and embarrassment in it. “I’m not his keeper.”

Rathi’s eyebrows climbed upward. “Wow. That sounded defensive.” She put her hand on the stack of books and leaned toward him. “Everything okay, Zippy?”

Blurr sighed and adjusted the strap of his backpack. “You really haven’t heard from Starscream?”

“No.” Rathi nibbled on her bottom lip without disturbing her artfully applied lipstain. “How unusual is that?”

Blurr scratched the side of his face. “Depends, I guess. Maybe I just got too used to him being around all the time.” He shrugged, tried to play it off. “Then again, I didn’t really know him that well this time last year. Something’s probably going on at the aerie that has him busy.”

Rathi nodded thoughtfully. “You could ask Dr. Morgan?”

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll do that.”

Beep went the computer as Rathi scanned his books back into the system. “That’s what you need me for, Dae, a voice of reason.” Beep went another book, one of the ones Starscream had borrowed and finished before leaving. “Don’t worry. He’s head over heels for you. He’ll be back.”

Blurr sincerely hoped she was right.

He spent Saturday training under Coach’s watchful eye and acid tongue. He tried not to stare at the sky and wonder. He tried not to worry. Coach barked at him to focus.

“Get your head in the game,” she snapped as he nearly tripped over his own feet, legs feeling like lead, and thoughts slamming into each other. “How’re you going to win tomorrow if you’re giving me these numbers today?”

“Sorry,” Blurr said.

He felt like he’d been apologizing a lot over the past week.

“Don’t be sorry. Work harder.” Coach clapped her hands together. “Around the track again. Show me that speed we’re paying for.”

Blurr trained harder. He pushed thoughts of Starscream out of his head. He pushed aside his worries, his anger, everything. Whether or not he’d accept any offers made his way was a moot point if he didn’t receive any. He had to impress. He had to show Coach her faith in him wasn’t ill-placed.

Starscream wasn’t back by Sunday morning. He wasn’t back in time for the semi-finals. He wasn’t in the stands while they slowly filled with on-lookers, or while TJ helped Blurr stretch, his hands working magic on the knots in Blurr’s shoulder.

“It’s weird,” TJ murmured, barely audible over the roar of the crowd. “Starscream’s usually front and center at these things.”

“He’s busy,” Blurr said.

“Too busy for you?” TJ asked as his thumbs swept patterns around the ridge at the top of Blurr’s spine. “I find that hard to believe. Everything okay between you two?”

Blurr stared hard at the ground, concentrated on the heat of the sun, the noise of the crowds. “Yeah. Everything’s fine.”

TJ rested his hands on Blurr’s shoulders, giving him a companionable squeeze. “Right, well, when you’re ready to admit things aren’t fine, you know where to find me. Just try and keep your head in the races, okay? These scouts are here for you.”

No pressure or anything.

Blurr won.

Of course he won. Winning was an inevitability. But it wasn’t impressive. It wasn’t a good show. He stumbled near the finish line and barely crossed before the second place winner at the one-hundred yard dash.

It felt like he couldn’t get his feet underneath him. Like his legs were made of noodles, and his lungs couldn’t catch a breath, and there was nothing pushing him from behind, or pulling him from the front.

Winning races wasn’t always about speed. It was just as much a mind game as chess.

Blurr had failed. Miserably.

“What the fuck was that?” Coach asked as Blurr tried to catch his breath, and the world spun around him, sweat slicking his spine under the heat of the sun.

“Sorry, Coach,” Blurr gasped, and heat banked at the back of his eyes, because this was the thing he was supposed to be good at, the thing that would give him a future for sure, and he’d fucked it up. “Don’t know what’s wrong.”

Coach paced in front of him, her hair spiking in all directions as she ran her fingers through it. “I’ll you what’s wrong. That feathery good luck charm of yours isn’t here, that’s what’s wrong. Got your mind out in left field.”

Blurr didn’t even play baseball.

“Sorry,” he said, again.

“Don’t be sorry, be better.” Coach stormed off with a rage-filled yell at the heavens.

“You won. She needs to lay off,” TJ said as he finally dared approach Blurr, now that Coach had wandered off to berate someone else. He wriggled a water bottle in Blurr’s direction. “Everyone has off days.”

Blurr shook his head. “Yeah, but I’m having my off day on the single most important day of my life.” He accepted the water bottle.

“It’s not the thing that defines you, Dae.”

Blurr chewed on his bottom lip. He was starting to believe that, the more he was with Starscream, but now the doubts had crept in. Perhaps that was what had affected him as well. He was realizing how important the races actually were.

TJ clapped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “Come on. You still won. Let’s get your gold medals, and then I’ll take you out for ice cream.”

Blurr snorted. “Ice cream? What am I, two?”

“You’re telling me you don’t want two scoops of mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone?”

Blurr’s stomach grumbled loudly, underscoring his fake offense. His face reddened even more.

TJ laughed. “I think you do.” He slung an arm over Blurr’s shoulder and steered him toward the winner’s platforms, though there were still a few races to go, none of which involved Blurr. “Don’t worry, Dae. Everything’s going to work out. You’ll see.”

He hoped TJ was right.

Monday morning, Blurr went straight to Dr. Morgan’s office before his first class of the day. Granted it was a late morning class, but still, he’d forced himself out of bed and out the door with the rest of the early birds.

It was awful.

He fought off several yawns that the caramel doubleshot macchiato didn’t touch, and climbed to the second floor of the sciences building, to the last door on the left. It was wide open, inviting entry, and he recognized the young woman sitting at the front desk. Dr. Morgan’s office door was closed, and it was dim through the opaque glass.

“Hello, Blurr. How can I help you?” the young woman asked as she looked up from her computer, eyes friendly behind her brown-rimmed glasses.

“Is Dr. Morgan in? I had a few questions for her,” Blurr adjusted his shoulder strap, glancing again at the closed, dim door.

Her name tag read Brenda, and she smiled apologetically at him. “I’m sorry. This is her yearly vacation. She won’t be back until Monday next week. Is it urgent?”

Blurr sucked on his bottom lip. “Has Starscream been by to see her lately?”

“Not since before he finished his molt.” Brenda cocked her head to the side, tapping the corner of her mouth with one finger. “That was, hmm, two weeks ago? Why do you ask?”

He wasn’t even visiting with Dr. Morgan? Did that mean he hadn’t come back to campus since he’d been with Blurr?

Was he done with the humans? Was he done with Blurr?

Blurr shook his head, backing up a step toward the door. “No reason. He’s probably just busy. I’ll come back on Monday to talk to Dr. Morgan about a potential job.” He smiled, hoping that would be the end of it.

Brenda smiled at him. “Sure thing. I’ll let her know you stopped by.”

Blurr thanked her and made his escape, his thoughts swirling in his head. If Dr. Morgan wasn’t available to ask, he’d have to search elsewhere.

He pulled out his cellphone and started scrolling through his contacts. He hated to do this, but he was running out of options. He needed answers. He needed to know.

Blurr debated, back and forth, for several minutes as he stood outside the building. Who was worse? He honestly didn’t know. They were different sides of the same coin.

He went alphabetical and selected Miko Nakadai. He held his breath as he waited, half of him wanting her to pick up, the other half wishing it would roll over into voicemail.

“Blurr? Wow! This is a first! You’re calling me. What’s up?” Miko’s voice poured happily into the receiver before Blurr could get two words in edgewise. He wasn’t surprised she had his number programmed in.

Blurr ground his teeth. He rubbed his forehead with his free hand. “You haven’t seen Starscream in the last week, have you?”

“Um. No. Not gotten any reports of him around either.” Miko hummed into the phone, and Blurr could all but see her flipping through her schedule book. “Shouldn’t you know?”

“If I did, I wouldn’t have asked,” Blurr gritted out. His head started to ache, and he knew it had more to do with his clenched teeth. “He’s been gone for a week, and he was supposed to be back last Sunday.”

There was a sharp inhalation. “Do you think he’s in trouble?”

“I honestly don’t know. It’s not like I can call him.”

“Well, maybe Red knows something.”

Blurr blinked and furrowed his brow. “Wait. Richard? Why would he know something?”

Something fumbled on the other side of the phone. He heard a muttered curse followed by the tic-tic-tic of Miko texting while he was still on the call. “Because Red knows everything. It’s kind of creepy the way he knows everything, and right now, he’s focusing on knowing everything about the Harpies. Plus his dad is the Dean, and he was there when they signed the contract, so he probably has some inside information.”

That… was a lot to absorb. Frankly, Blurr was a bit impressed with how she’d said all that without taking a breath.

“Anyway, I just asked and he’s home right now, so go see him.”

Blurr tightened his grip on the phone. “Can’t I just call him?”

“No.” Miko all but barked at him, and her voice, which had been sounding as if she had him on speaker, suddenly came through much louder. “Go to the observatory on the top floor of Flint. Red’s there.”

“Why is he– You know what. Never mind.” Blurr pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ll go look for him. But if you hear from Starscream or see him…?”

“You’ll be the first to know. I promise!” He couldn’t see Miko, but he could imagine her beaming grin. “I’m sure he’s fine, Blurr. Don’t worry too much, okay?”

It was impossible not to worry.

“Thanks, Miko.”


Blurr ended the call and checked the time. If he hurried, he could make it to his first class with time to spare.

Or he could go the opposite direction and seek out Flint Hall, where Richard apparently could be found in the Conservatory. Blurr often forgot there was a Conservatory on campus. Starscream would have liked to go, he imagined. If Starscream hadn’t been already.

He’d never be able to focus on class. Not like this. He needed to know what happened to Starscream, or if it was a simpler, more painful reason.

Starscream had gotten what he wanted. He was bored of humans now, having satisfied his curiosities. Worse, he was bored of Blurr.

That thought sent a sharp pang through Blurr’s chest. He didn’t want to believe it. On a list of terrible reasons, that one was at the bottom. He felt guilty for harboring that potential reason at all, but he had to be reasonable, didn’t he? Had to consider all angles?

Had to get some fucking answers.

Blurr spun on a heel and aimed himself at Flint Hall. Classes could wait. This mystery was more important. He wouldn’t be able to focus until he knew if Starscream was safe or not, and what his absence meant.

It still counted as between typical class time so the walkways were choked with people. Blurr did his best to slip through them, making a beeline for Flint Hall. Few classes were taken at Flint, so the crowd diminished by the time he arrived.

It was quiet inside. Quiet like a museum, his runners making odd echoes on the polished tile beneath him. There was no one manning the front desk. There weren’t any visible stairs, but there was an elevator, the lights glowing faintly off to the left.

“You should have been here faster.”

Blurr followed the voice, finding a railing about two floors above him, and a face peeking out over it. A wild shock of ginger hair framed pale skin and freckles. He recognized Richard, it was impossible not to, and boy, that creepy vibe the eternal student gave off was not eased by the situation.

“Got here as soon as I could,” Blurr called back up. “Miko said you could help.”

“Could, yes. Willing?” Richard tilted his head, staring down at Blurr like a visitor might stare at a taxidermied animal at a museum. “Only because I owe Miko a favor.” He vanished behind the railing, but his voice floated over. “Take the elevator to the third floor. I’ll meet you.”

Blurr ground his teeth. There was no point in arguing. He stomped over to the elevator, jabbed the call button, and waited impatiently for it to come.

This was all Starscream’s fault.

Sure enough, Richard was waiting for him. He stood there, arms crossed, as Blurr departed from the rickety elevator with a silent prayer to Primus that he survived it. He hoped he could find the stairs for his later descent. He didn’t know if he was lucky enough to make it through one more ride in that thing.

“We’ll start at the beginning,” Red said before Blurr opened his mouth. He spun on a single foot and strode down the walkway, following the rail.

Blurr assumed he was supposed to follow. He adjusted his backpack and fell in step slightly behind Richard, who uncrossed his arms to clasp his hands behind his back.

“The Kaon Aerie was not officially instated until ten years ago,” Red said, and wow, he wasn’t kidding when he said start at the beginning. “Prior to that, Kaon was home to several harpies, all of whom resided on the university grounds. Perceptor was the first, followed by Drift, and Shockwave not long after. They were all granted a home here on the condition they share their knowledge with the scholars. It was a mutually beneficial agreement.”

Red’s voice, like his measured footsteps, echoed in the dim halls around them. He walked past the double-doors into the conservatory, and paused at a smaller door off to the side. It was marked “Employees Only” but Red pulled out a key. Apparently, he qualified as an employee.

“The Aerie was established once Liege Megatron and his companions came to Kaon, and it was signed in accordance with the governor of Kaon, and the dean of Kaon University. Since it’s inception, it has grown slowly in number. Our last count puts the population at over four dozen, give or take.”

He pushed the door open and gestured for Blurr to precede him.

Blurr wasn’t sure he wanted to. The first room was some kind of research slash library room, and there were piles and piles of books, papers, and physical storage devices all over the place. The walls were plastered with maps and schematics, and the floor was littered with stacks of books with matching spines.

Richard gave him a nudge, and Blurr stepped gingerly into the room, careful to avoid, well, everything. Red followed from behind, and Blurr made a beeline for the opposite door and what was, hopefully, more space to maneuver.

“The Aerie is self-sufficient and self-ruled, though if a harpy steps foot on grounds outside of the Aerie, they are subject to the laws of the city-state of Kaon,” Red continued to drone, and he didn’t seem to care if Blurr acknowledged his recitations or not. “Vice versa, of course, not that Liege Megatron has invited any human to the aerie, not even Dr. Jessica Morgan.”

The next room was an office of some kind, much smaller than the previous room, with a desk and an entertainment center both cluttered into the narrow space. A door on the far end was probably Richard’s bedroom, Blurr assumed.

There wasn’t anywhere to sit. But at least he could stand without fear of toppling over a book stack.

“While self-sufficient, the Kaon Aerie does embark in trade with the local populace of humans, specifically for electronic devices and foods they cannot grow or gather for themselves.” Red swung his desk chair out, plopped down in it, then scooted to his computer, powering it up with a few quick taps of his fingers.

Blurr pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is all very, very fascinating,” he lied. Only Starscream could make harpy culture interesting apparently. “But it’s not helping me.”

Richard stayed focus on his computer, the screen casting an odd glow on his face. “What do you want to know then?”

“Um. About their laws and stuff, I guess,” Blurr said, scratching the back of his neck. “But before all that, do you have a way to contact them?”

“Like a telephone number?” Richard barked a laugh. “No, Blurr. They don’t have cell phones or ground lines. I could try sending Perceptor an e-mail. Sometimes, he responds to me, sometimes, he doesn’t.”

Blurr chewed on his bottom lip. “Well, could you try? I’m worried about Starscream. I haven’t seen him in over a week, and he was supposed to be back by now.”

Richard’s fingers paused on the keys. He half-turned, glancing over his shoulder. “Starscream is a harpy. Not your pet. If he doesn’t want to see you anymore, I do think that’s his right.”

“I’m not saying it isn’t,” Blurr spluttered, his face flushing with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. “I’d just like to know if that’s what’s going on or not. And, well…” He raked his fingers through his hair, mussing the strands. “He might be in trouble because of me.”

“Trouble,” Red echoed. “Did you break a law?”

Blurr dropped his gaze. He found the geometric patterns of Red’s throw rug very fascinating. “I don’t know because I don’t know their laws. Especially when it comes to, uh… dating. And romance. And… humans.” It was probably the most he’d stuttered in a single breath, but by Primus, he hadn’t expected to come out like this.

His face felt as hot as a branding iron, and probably looked like a tomato.

Red swiveled around in the chair slowly, looking at Blurr without blinking. “Uh, Dae Hyeun, is there something you want to tell me?”

“No, there’s something I want you to tell me,” Blurr retorted.

Richard’s Adam’s apple bobbed. “Huh.” He swiveled back around to his computer. “As far as I’m aware, there are no rules with respect to humans and harpies. I don’t think it’s something they ever considered, given that most harpies don’t like humans. Megatron’s flock seems to be the exception.”

“The exception. Why?”

Red’s shoulders hunched. “Megatron has a habit of gathering the weird ones. Harpies who were kicked out of their own flocks or left of their own accord, usually because they don’t want to follow or didn’t follow the laws of their own flock.”

Blurr frowned, crossing his arms. “Hypothetically speaking then, what would it mean if a harpy tried to date a human?”

“Why would they? We aren’t compatible.” Red Alert coughed nervously into his fist again. He gave Blurr a sidelong look. “They live three times as long as we do. For most of them, humans are curious oddities or dangerous creatures. No way they’d seriously be interested in one of us.”

No way. Blurr repeated that to himself. Curious oddities even.

“You should have asked Starscream about this,” Richard said with a huff. His fingers clicked quickly across the keys. “Especially if you’ve entered into a relationship with him.”

“I never said that I did.”

“You’re not subtle, Dae Hyeun. I know what you were asking. And for the record, if something happened, something you didn’t want, you should let someone know.” Richard paused and coughed into his hand. “Preferably not me because there’s not much I can do to help.”

Blurr worked his jaw and toed the carpet with the tip of his runners. “Who would I tell?” he asked. “Not that anything happened, but maybe someone else knows a way I can contact the Aerie.”

“Unlikely.” Richard snorted and his fingers swept away from the keys with a flourish. “Your best bet is to speak with Liege Megatron. He takes the agreement very seriously. If one of his own did anything to jeopardize that, he’d want to know.”

“Starscream didn’t do anything!” Blurr snapped.

Richard threw up his hands and spun around in the chair again, this time launching out of it, as his printer stirred to life with multiple clicks and whirrs. “Of course he didn’t. That’s why you’re here, asking me weird questions about harpy things that Starscream should be telling you, except he’s not here. Is he? Why is that, Blurr? Why?”

“That’s what I want to know!”

Red Alert snapped a sheet of paper off the printer and shoved it at Blurr, who grabbed for it on instinct. “Then go to the Aerie and find out for yourself. You’re not going to get your answers here.”

The paper crinkled in Blurr’s fingers.

Richard was right, of course. Why was Blurr running all over campus and dialing numbers he didn’t want to dial when he knew exactly where Starscream lived? It wasn’t as if Kaon’s aerie was hidden. Sure there wasn’t a road to get there, or a bus route, and no taxi would drive him, but he had two feet.

“What’s the best way to get to the aerie?” Blurr asked.

“With wings.” Richard stomped back over to his chair and threw himself down into it. “Barring that, you’ll have to walk. I gave you directions. Take the east gate.”

Well. That explained the paper. Not that it was too hard to find. The Aerie was amazingly visible above the canopy of the forest. It was in finding a safe path where the trouble lay.

It was going to take Blurr hours to get there.

He might as well get started.


Blurr went back to his dorm room and packed a bag. He shot off a quick e-mail to his professors and his adviser and Coach Sylvester. He made sure his phone was fully charged, though he doubted he’d have much reception out there, and he rented one of the campus bikes for a weeklong period.

Anger carried him through all five hours of hard biking through the wilderness toward the massive tree that the Kaon Flock had claimed for their Aerie.

He would find Starscream, and he would let the arrogant harpy have a piece of his mind. Blurr did not appreciate being used or treated like an experiment. He intended to take Red Alert’s advice and lodge a complaint with the flock’s liege.

Maybe then Starscream would understand that you couldn’t play around with a human like that. It was wrong. You couldn’t just walk into someone’s life, turn their world upside down, and fly right back out without an explanation.

It was just… well, it was rude!

Eventually, the forest path got too dim and root-choked for him to continue on his bike. He had to leave it by a crooked sign post, hoping he could find it on his way back. Otherwise they’d charge him for it.

He grabbed his bag and jogged the rest of the way. He counted it as training no matter what Coach had to say about it — and boy had she had a lot to yell at him when he told her he was missing training. There were more important matters at hand.

The sun set during his hike, turning what was already a dim, uneven path, into a dark, dangerous one. He hadn’t thought to bring a flashlight, but luckily, there was an app on his phone. It lit the way. He consulted his map, and hoped he was on the right track. Park Ranger Blurr was not.

The trees were humongous sentinels rising out of the dark around him. They grew so high, he could no longer make out their tops, and their branches blocked out the sky and the stars. It was all a bit creepy, especially when the wildlife started to sing.

Blurr was starting to think he was a little in over his head. And possibly lost.

Something cracked sharply in the dark. Something else hissed. Blurr jumped and whirled, aiming his light behind him. Then up and up and up some more. The pale beam flashed over feathers. Feathers attached to two very massive, very tall, harpies.

They were taller than Starscream by at least two heads, which meant they towered over Blurr. One of them was a dark red, the other a pale gray with strips of blue along the edges. They could probably snap Blurr like a twig.

Fuck. Shit. Damn.

Starscream wasn’t kidding when he said there were bigger harpies.

They were going to kill him, weren’t they?

“Um, hi.” Blurr offered an awkward wave with the hand not shaking as it pointed a light at them, and the eerie way their eyes reflected back. “I’m looking for Starscream.”

They exchanged a glance. Their feathers ruffled and seemed to get even bigger. The red one hissed. The grey one folded his arms, showing off massive biceps, not that he wasn’t already twice as wide as Blurr.

This was a terrible idea. He should have called first.

“You human not belong here,” the grey one said, and his voice was so deep Blurr swore it rumbled through his bones.

“Go home,” the other one said with a sweep of his arm and a wave of his massive wing. Blurr felt the breeze from it buffet his face.

Blurr swallowed thickly. He planted a bravery he did not feel on his face. He prepared to be very, very stupid. “Not until I see Starscream.”

“No humans allowed,” Grey growled and bared his teeth, the pointed ones looking especially dangerous in the light of Blurr’s cell phone. “Especially not now.”

Blurr shook his head. “Look. I want to talk to Starscream, and I want to talk to Megatron. I have a right to declare a grievance.”

Big Red took a menacing step forward. “Go home now,” he hissed.

Blurr’s hands pulled into fists. “No.”

And that, apparently, was the wrong thing to say.

Grey snarled.

Big Red warbled a sound that was in no way comforting to hear.

And then Grey lunged at him and yeah, Blurr shrieked, just like he had when Starscream carried him to the top of the Glass Falls. He spun to dodge, tripped on something, and a bright crimson blur slammed into him. It knocked the breath out of him. Blurr gasped, his world spinning.

Angry chittering rose around him. Snarling. Dark spots danced in front of his eyes.

Well, that was unpleasant.

Blurr tried to open his eyes, but his lids were too heavy. There was an arm around his waist. His legs were dangling? He was… he was…

Well, he was going to pass out right here. That’s what he was going to do.

How embarrassing.
